Simple Questions to Help Write Web Design Content
When we are working on designing a website for a client, a lot goes into writing the content. What your website says is just as important as how it looks. Here are some simple questions that if answered, will help you write web design content.
Here are a list of simple questions you should answer to help with Website Design Content
Where am I?
- When someone arrives at your website, they should be able to tell immediately that they are in the right place – that they have arrived at the right website. You can do this by headers that match specific search queries, adding your logo, and more. But as soon as someone arrives at your website, it should be easy for them to know they have arrived at the right place.
- As soon as someone arrives on a web page, they should be able to red immediately, and in simple language what this website is about. This can be accomplished easily with subheadlines at or near the top of the page so when someone reads it, they know exactly what this web page is about
- Example: Website Design Salt Lake City
- Example: SEO Salt Lake City
How Are You Different
- When I was a new marketing student in college, one of our teachers gave us a daily quiz with the same list of questions. Question 1 was – What is the D-word and what does it mean?
- The D-Word is differentiate. Make sure immediately to your reader exactly how you are different.
- What makes you special?
- How are you different than your competitors?
- Why should I choose your company over someone else’s?
- When you are trying to explain who you are, what you do, and how you are different, it is important to make sure it is clear why someone should care. A differentiator nobody cares about is not worth having.
- Example (who cares): We are local – what if nobody cares about that?
- Example (why they should care): We are local, and buying local helps keep jobs here, helps the local tax base, and ensures a strong community
What is Your promise?
- It is important to make a promise. A promise can be as simple as: We are responsive! We will treat you like a human being! All our technicians are licensed and insured. Whatever your promise is – make sure you communicate it (and then keep it).
What Problem Do Your Solve?
- Too often people think in terms of industry instead of problem solving. So their website design says: “I am an electrician, and a darned good one.” That is not a problem. That is an industry. Here are some examples of problem solving statements:
- Website Design That Increases Sales
- Marketing Messages Perfected
- Electrical Vehicle Charging Installation Service
- Towing Company for Large Vehicles (Instead of Towing Company)
- Self Defense Classes (rather than – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu)
- Fast, Affordable, Roof Installation (instead of Roofer or Roofing company)
What Does a Person Visiting My Website Need to Know?
We feel as a Salt Lake City and Tampa Florida website design company that one of the most important questions you can answer is: What Do They Need to know?
Imagine a person has just performed a search on Google and chosen your page to look at. What NEEDS to be on this page? What did the customer come for? What questions will they have? What do they need to know about you and your service?
You must make sure that everything they might want to know is on the page they arrive at, and easy to find. Otherwise, they will click the back arrow, and that will be the end of it.
This is why we always ask out customers – for every page of your website, what needs to be on this page?
Are they expect a product spect sheet? Sizing charts? Product video? Images?
How are they going to contact you? One of website design mistakes we see relatedly is not placing your contact info throughout each page of the website. As soon as someone is ready to talk to you, why do you want to make them look for your contact information?
Use Social Proof in Website Design
It is hard for potential customers to differentiate between one service and another, this is why in content writing for web design it is important to use what we call “social proof.”
Social proof is usually one of two things
#1: Customer Reviews – after all, if everyone thinks you are great, everyone can’t be wrong.
#2: Awards or badges – If your business is certified by someone, or has won awards, or has credentials, or is a member of the BBB, makes sure you get those badges displayed on your website. These are great “social proof” that you might know what you are doing.
Summary - Simple Questions to Help Write Web Design Content
As you are thinking about writing content for your web design project, try to remember to think through answering some questions – questions people who arrive at your website will want to know:
1: Where Am I? Am I in the right place?
2: Who are you?
3: How are you different?
4: Why should anyone care?
5: What is your promise?
6: What problem do you solve?
7: What does a person visiting my website need to know?
8: Can I offer social proof that my business is good at what we do and is trustworthy?
If you can get all this information on your website and on each web page, and it resonates with someone who is visiting your website, you have a chance they may engage with you.
But if you leave these questions unanswered, people just leave. They are not going to click around your website looking for information they feel you should have presented right up front.
Take the time to look at your website. Look at every page, and compare the content that is on there to these questions and add what you need to make sure people who know you are, what you do, how you are different, what problem you solve, and why they should care.
If you do that, your website design will truly offer something of value to the people who are visiting your website.
About The Authors
Stay Wild Digital Marketing is a website design company with offices in Salt Lake City and Tampa Florida. If you are interested in a new website, or refreshing an existing website, please contact us.